Nowadays e-books for studying become more popular. And from many sides, it is a very wise decision to use a centralized solution, which could be updated immediately if didactic or article author will found it necessary.
Worst practices
I have seen a lecturer who tried to make an e-book with students. It was fun for them to find materials on the internet. It really helps students to study. But soon lecturer recognized a very deep problem. The material chosen by students carefully verified. As a sample, you can find in YouTube video “How to make a MONOPOLE MAGNET”. In Brief in a Video to make monopole magnets recommended to take a regular magnet to freeze it in the refrigerator and cut it in half. If the student read it as a true source of information then he gets to know nonsenseand believe in that. .
Another group of lecturers from different countries agreed to make internal wiki by topics in English for Software development course. It was also very nice idea. And at the beginning it works fine, because of enthusiasms. But on the second year they start to find that materials is going old very quickly. So, it was a problem who will update the topic. Because every lecturer has they own style of giving materials to students. And appears different versions of topic. After that problem went deeper. Because it was already work routine and nobody was interested to edit an articles for free.
All that attempts shows that necessity in that tool exists, but it should be properly organized.
Best practices of E-books
The proper electronic book consists of two parts. One for the teacher and a second one for students. Of course, both parts are linked. And it gives the opportunity for young teachers to give lessons in a proper way immediately after becoming a lecturer. Just because the electronic book is the fully prepared tool for study subject. The properly prepared electronic book has a theoretical block, presentation for lessons, exercise book, test question, tips, video materials, files to research lab equipment and methodical guidance to a teacher. No doubt, that it should be allowed to control students study progress and trough tests and tasks and remotely help if they will need help.
According to that and educational standards are build up PASCO SCIENTIFIC Essential chemistry e-book. More information is here.
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