This material has been entered into the physics e-textbook environment managed by the Estonian Physical Society, with the general address . It is an edited environment where all public materials have been reviewed by a physicist with at least one doctorate.
Below are brief introductions to some of the Physics e-textbooks.
Spectrum and Pulsar quizzes have been testing the knowledge of physics enthusiasts for several years. From there you can watch and try out the quizzes of previous years’ rounds.
This textbook was compiled in 2010. entered into force on the basis of the national curriculum. Since the chair, there have been some changes in the Estonian curriculum. But if the laws of mechanics do not change, then the materials are still relevant.
Find answers to your questions here:
- Why is a direct lightning strike usually deadly?
- What to do when a thunder strikes nearby, is it wiser to run or stand next to a tree trunk?
- Why does an Electromagnetic Field Rise Hair in People?
Physics of the micro and mega worlds
In 1895, X-rays discovered unknown rays that shone through things, even through humans. X-ray became the first winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics. If you are interested in knowing who this man was and how it ended, then you need to read this material. Here you will find the Senegalese legend “Grandfather and Animals”. What is the connection between science and legends?
The textbook will show you why people need heat and electricity. The textbook consists of 25 lessons. The textbook should encourage the acquisition of an energy course. The textbook contains additional material, historical background, slightly more complex problems.
Interesting physics II
The witty French writer of the 17th century, Cyrano de Bergerac, wrote in his satirical work The Second World or the Moon States and Empires (1657). During his experiments on physics, he once rose to the air in a completely incomprehensible way with all his test tubes. Continuation awaits you in the supplementary material “Interesting Physics II”.
History of Physics (First Physics Class)
Let’s start by reviewing the history of physics in the manuscript, which was compiled in 1880. Initially, he was in the physics department of the University of Tartu. In the 19th century, they wrote the chapter on electricity and magnetism until the end of the year.
Creative and research work
Creative and research work is now mandatory for quite a long time in Estonia, if you study in a gymnasium or a professional technical school. From there you will learn how to beautifully write research or creative work.