Wireless Conductivity Sensor

The Wireless Conductivity Sensor measures conductivity over a range from 0 to 20,000 microsiemens/centimeter (µS/cm). The conductivity probe is able to work in a variety of solutions. The conductivity measurement is transmitted wirelessly through Bluetooth and recorded and displayed by the PASCO software on a connected wireless device such as a tablet or computer.

Available on backorder

Wirelessly measure both conductivity and dissolved solids. Highly accurate with a fast response time and featuring built-in temperature compensation.

The Wireless Conductivity Sensor measures the electrical conductivity of a water solution. Investigate the properties of solutions, perform conductometric titrations, model and measure water quality, and more.

Typical Applications

Conductivity (the ability of a liquid to conduct electrical current) is one of the most common measurements in biological, chemical, and environmental studies. This sensor measures the total concentration of ions in solution.

  • Water quality investigations
  • Studying the effects of pollution on water
  • Measuring Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
  • Investigating solution properties
  • Performing condumetric titrations
  • Diffusion of ions through membranes

Special Features

  • Simplicity: just pair and go, no cables and adapters to manage
  • Variable sampling rate for capturing small fast changes or experiments that run for hours, days, or weeks.
  • Features convenient Bluetooth wireless connectivity and long-lasting coin cell battery
  • Logs conductivity data directly onto the sensor for long-term experiments.
  • Dust, dirt and sand proof and water-resistant (1 meter for 30 minutes)

How It Works

Conductance is the reciprocal of resistance. In this case, the Wireless Conductivity Sensor determines the conductance of an aqueous solution by measuring the current flowing through the circuit created when a voltage is applied to a 2-cell electrode submerged in the solution.

The electrode cell is constructed from insulating material embedded with pieces of platinum that are placed at a fixed distance apart and serve as sensing elements.

Because conductivity is dependent on temperature, the Wireless Conductivity Sensor has built-in temperature compensation.

Wireless Conductivity Sensor



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