- Small-scale wind turbine, solar cell, fuel cell, electrolyzer and more.
- Enough hardware, software and curriculum content for groupwork – up to 4 or 5 students.
- Recommended age groups- K 6-12
Experiments & Activities
✔ Solar Energy Experiments
- The Effect of Heat on Solar Panels
- The Effect of Shade on Solar Panels
- The Effect of Tilt Angle on Solar Panels
- Finding the Solar Panel’s Maximum Power Point
✔ Energy from Hydrogen Experiments
- Electrolysis Mode Generating H2 and O2
- Fuel Cell Mode Generating Electricity from H2 and O2
- Determining the Minimum Water Decomposition Voltage
- Polarization States for Hydrogen Fuel Cells
✔ Wind Energy Experiments
- How Many Blades Are Best – 1, 2, 3 … More?
- Using Three Different Curved Blade Shapes
- Using Blades You Make Yourself
- Turbine Efficiencies
- Measuring RPM
- Tuning For Maximum Power
- How Blade Angle or Pitch Affects Output Power
- To Generate Hydrogen
Kit content
- Wind turbine body
- Rotor head for profiled blades
- 9 profiled blades for turbine
- Rotor head adapter for sheet blades
- 3 polypropylene sheet blades for turbine
- Rotor unlocking tool
- Turbine Support base
- Aluminum wind turbine post
- PEM Electrolyzer
- PEM Electrolyzer base
- PEM Fuel cell
- PEM Fuel cell base
- Hydrogen tank
- Oxygen tank
- Inner Gas containers
- Circuit board module base
- 100 ohm Variable Resistor module
- 1 Watt Solar panel
- Adaptors, tubing clincher & purging valve
- Assembly instructions
- CD with curriculum manuals
- Water/gas tank module base
- Flexible 2mm banana connecting leads
- Transparent silicon tubing
- Plastic plug pins for electrolyzer
- Battery pack with connecting leads
- Syringe
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