Photosynthesis Tank

What Biology lab would be complete without an experiment in photosynthesis? Typical experiments involving photosynthesis require students to infer photosynthetic rate changes by using chloroplasts and dye. Help students understand this concept more completely by directly measuring the production of oxygen.

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What Biology lab would be complete without an experiment in photosynthesis? Typical experiments involving photosynthesis require students to infer photosynthetic rate changes by using chloroplasts and dye. Help students understand this concept more completely by directly measuring the production of oxygen.

PASCO designed the Photosynthesis Tank specifically to improve the measurement of oxygen in photosynthesis.

The photosynthesis tank has two concentric Plexiglas chambers. This unique design allows students to control the environment without interfering with the measurements. In addition, the rubber stopper seals the inner environment so oxygen is not exchanged between the atmosphere and the sample. Two back-bored openings in the stopper form a tight seal with the sensors, but also allow for easy insertion and removal.

  • Measure O2 Production Directly
  • Control the Environment
  • Study Changes in Photosynthesis/Respiration Rates


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