Photon Robot for Education

Photon – world’s first robot that develops with its’ owner. An interactive educational robot that introduces children to the world of new technologies through experiences and experiments.

Photon supports children in developing the basic skills of modern times. It helps them develop creativity, improve their logical thinking abilities and learn the basics of programming.

Applications have 4 interfaces that enable learning for kids aged from 5 to 12.

5 in stock

Kids love to learn by experimenting and trying new things. Photon allows your child to learn on its own. Our robot is an interactive teacher helping kids discover coding, mathematics, biology, and more inspiring! The robot is designed to entertain and teach your child for months. And don’t forget, it can be used by more than one kid.

Product contains:

  1.  robot Photon
  2.  micro USB charging cable
  3.  user manual
  4.  warranty card
  5.  mobile application access
  6.  access to digital scenario
Photon in the box

What would you need to start:

  • a compatible mobile device (Bluetooth 4.0 + is required) Supported OS: Android / iOS / Amazon Fire / Chrome OS
  •  one of Photon apps: Photon EDU / Photon Coding / Photon Robot / Photon Magic Bridge
It is compatible with computer devices (Photon Magic Dongle is required): Windows / macOS / Chromebook. It has integrations with Scratch, Microsoft MakeCode, JavaScript, Python, Swift Playgrounds, Azure IoT Hub. Furthermore, it is also compatible with most of the interactive whiteboards (among others EPSON, SMART, Clevertouch, Promethean), Funtronic interactive floor, MakeyMakey innovation kit.


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