Photon AI Discovery Kit

Photon Artificial Intelligence Discovery Teaching Kit

The AI Kit is a ready-to-use solution dedicated to educators who would like to introduce their students to artificial intelligence technology. The dedicated resources help educators learn how to talk about artificial intelligence and how to develop critical thinking skills in children so that they are conscious technology users.

SKU: PH_AI , , , ,

The kit is based on 10 classes that help to find out

  • What is artificial intelligence?
  • How Does AI Work?
  • What contributes to AI effectiveness?
  • And put into practice selected AI solutions.

Why a Teaching Kit with Artificial Intelligence?

The term artificial intelligence might seem like something straight out of a sci-fi movie. However, in the contemporary world it is not just a norm, but a necessity. Giants like Google, Facebook, Microsoft, or Amazon all use AI to remain competitive. As time passes, we are growing more closely attached to the immeasurable potential of this technology. Understanding AI will help students utilize it more efficiently and responsibly and will prepare them for the modern job market.

Competencies and areas covered in the Kit

  • Creativity
    Students develop their creative skills by adding different buildings & places to the model of the city and developing their original AI systems.
  • Mathematical Skills
    Students improve their understanding of spatial relationships, perform mathematical operations from memory, and try to outpace the AI at calculating.
  • Computer Science Skills
    Students develop coding skills by programming the robot’s actions and create their AI systems. In order to do that, they must first learn basic computer and programming skills.
  • Modern Job Market Skills
    By learning how to program the robot and creating their own AI systems, students prepare for the modern job market in a fun, approachable manner.
  • Applying Acquired Knowledge in Real Life
    Students learn about a multitude of uses of AI in real life, such as supporting the daily lives of the visually impaired.

How to work with the Kit?

Students develop competencies through practical activities by constructing a cityscape using ready-made elements, and then, by performing subsequent exercises. They discover various ways of using artificial intelligence in everyday life. Using a dedicated app, they will take part in developing the Photon Robot’s AI.

Among other things, the robot can transform into an intelligent cash register, a refrigerator, an autonomous vehicle, a police detective, or a chatbot. By performing custom-designed experiments, they will have an opportunity to see the effects of their work in real life, examine the importance of quantity and quality of the training data, and explore the uses of the tested technology in everyday life

All a teacher needs in one box

  • Photon™ Robot for Education
  • Lesson plans – Path 1 (Grades 1-3)
  • Lesson plans – Path 2 (Grades 4-6)
  • Smart City Educational mat
  • Tablet / smartphone mount
  • 19 Character / Traffic lights flashcards
  • 9 Building models
  • 54 Building signs
  • Roadblock
  • Refrigerator / Tic-tac-toe board
  • 19 Food / tic-tac-toe cards
  • Set of flashcard stands

Example Lesson: Catch the Thief

At the beginning of the activity, the teacher spreads out a mat and places character cards on it. Students teach the Photon robot AI by defining the characteristics of the people on the cards. They do this through the app by selecting the features of their choice. The task of the robot is to find the thief. Students use the app to teach the robot what the thief looks like by showing their unique traits, such as: identify a hat or shirt color. The students run the program and have the robot move on the mat and scan different characters. As soon as the robot has recognized the thief, an alarm sounds.

Product video

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Educational robots


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