STEM and BYOD: Using SPARKvue software at school

The webinar “STEM and BYOD: Using SPARKvue at School” discusses the use of the BYOD principle in science and precision lessons using PASCO Scientific digital tools (sensors and SPARKvue software).

The webinar introduces digital tools, talks about STEM and the use of digital tools in school and / or digital learning.

Examples are given of how STEM teachers can organize their lessons using a weather station and CO2, pH, and a light sensor.


August 12, 2021 at 10:00[EE] and 1 p.m. [RU]

The link to register is located here .

Registration is open until 10.08.2021 23:59.

The webinar “STEM and BYOD: Using SPARKvue at School” discusses the use of the BYOD principle in science and precision lessons using PASCO Scientific digital tools (sensors and SPARKvue software).

SPARKvue software

SPRAKvue is software developed by PASCO Scientific that can collect and display information from PASCO sensors. It is also possible to make presentations and joint sessions.
SPARKvue software is free for tablets and smartphones.

Apps can be downloaded from the AppStore, Google Play and Chrome Web Store.

You must obtain a license to install the software on Windows and Mac computers. You only need to buy the license once and it is valid for all school computers at the same address (unless you have a basic school and a high school separately).

More information about the software can be found here .


The main goals of the webinar are:

  • Understanding of the VOSK principle

Discuss what BYOD is and how it can be introduced in school.

  • Introduction of SPARKvue software

Talk more about what it is and how it can be used. Show participants:
– How to set up a joint session
– How to join another session
– How a new file is created and what the storage options are
– How to use the software
– How to create presentations, etc.

  • Examples of the use of digital tools

Show how teachers of science, biology, chemistry, physics and geography can organize lessons using the BYOD principle, SPARKvue software and PASCO weather station, CO2 sensor, pH sensor, light sensor.

  • Digital laboratory materials for teachers

Show methodological instructions and where to find them.

Learning outcomes

As a result of the webinar, all the objectives have been met and teachers have an idea of how they can use different digital tools in their subject lessons and where they can find support (consultation and methodological guides for teachers).

They also get an idea of how these same guides and digital tools can be used in the classroom, outdoors and / or distance learning.

Time and place

The webinar is generally conducted through the Zoom environment (unless otherwise agreed).

Target group

The webinar is primarily aimed at teachers of Estonian schools.

Subjects: Biology, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Natural Sciences, Physics.


It is possible to conduct the webinar in both Estonian and Russian.


The approximate duration of the webinar is 120 minutes.

Order training for your school’s teachers

The training can be ordered by clicking “add to request” and add the following information inside “request a quote”:

  • First and last name
  • Phone no
  • Name of institution
  • The number of participants
  • Topics (science, biology, geography, physics, chemistry, other)
  • Preferred language (EE / RU / EN)

After receiving the application, you will be contacted and we will agree on the time and place of the training.

Participation in training (for interested / some teachers)

The training can be ordered in 2 ways:

    1. Similar to ordering training for teachers at your school, an application must be submitted. Upon receipt of the application, you will be contacted and the approximate times will be agreed and joint training will be organized, ie other interested parties will be invited to participate through the social network.
    2. Participating in the web seminars planned for the summer of 2021, which will take place on 15.06.2021 and 12.08.2021. Link to registration here .




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